Payment Information
Explore various payment methods available to you:
PAYE – We pay you directly after deducting your tax and NI contributions.
Umbrella Company – We pay the umbrella company. They will calculate and deduct your tax and NI and make the payment to you.
Direct Engagement with the trust
As a GP, you will be paid as a self-employed doctor. All you need to do is to send us an invoice and timesheet and you will paid the gross amount.
HRC Locums run a weekly payroll.
Ensure timesheets are submitted weekly by 12.00pm every Monday to receive timely payments.
To avoid delays, please:
Ensure Timesheets are signed by the authorised person.
Take breaks as per trust/client policy, if a break is not taken, ensure it is signed off by an authorised signatory.
The completed timesheet should be clearly readable and BLACK ink is to be used at all times. Photo images of timesheets are not acceptable.
Submitting Timesheets
After completing your timesheet, please return it to us via email to
If you have any enquires please call us on 01908 223336